Hello and welcome!
I am a passionate Software and Electronics Engineer, and I created this online resume especially to show photos, screenshots or videos related to my projects.
2018 - 2024
Software Engineer, simulation softwares in the medical field | InSimo (in position)
  • Team player in an agile environment, contributing to biomechanical simulation softwares for surgical training and education
  • Offline-First app with cloud synchronization, JavaScript (ES6), Electron, Vue.js, Jest, Node.js, CouchDB + PouchDB, JSON Web Token, Nginx + Lua ...
  • Online ultrasound simulator, for the diagnosis of COVID: diSplay by InSimo
  • WebAssembly (C++ ⇾ Web) (Emscripten)
  • Python, C++, SOFA Framework (for physics-based simulations), distributed compilation, CMake, FASTBuild
  • Git, unit testing, continuous integration... DevOps: Docker, Linux servers
2010 - 2018
Embedded Software Engineer, UI & Middleware, Linux, digital TV | Wyplay (7.5 years)
  • Team player in an agile environment, working for worldwide operators: Vodafone, SFR, R, Proximus, CANAL+, SKY, AT&T ...
  • UI tech. leader / Python referent. Conception of a MVC framework and associated tools. Python applications, embedded in set-top-boxes / media-centers. Web applications for some clients (JavaScript / HTML 5 / CSS 3)
  • Middleware development in C/C++, and REST server in Python
  • Android: AOSP / Java / JNI / PyJnius
  • Conception, development, maintenance of components. Code reviews, continuous integration ...
  • Version control: Git and Mercurial
Engineer application internship (Linux embedded, UI, digital TV) | Wyplay (6 months)

Within UI team, optimisation and enrichment of the applicative and graphic framework. Embedded Linux environment, Python language.

Software development internship | Ifremer (4 months)

Development of a data management system and aiding of underwater glider remote piloting. Python programming, JABBER / XMPP protocol, Linux.

2006 - 2010
Engineering school | ISEN Toulon, France (Superior Electronics and Numeric Institute)

2nd year of preparatory class, followed by the engineer curriculum, broad-based to begin, then with a strong emphasis on informatics and digital electronics.
Last year specialism: software engineering in information systems.

2005 - 2006
Preparatory class | CIV, France (International Center of Valbonne)

Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering sciences.

2002 - 2005

Jean Moulin High school (Draguignan, France): Scientific Baccalaureat (mathematics speciality)

Personal projects


Connected thermostat (K-thermocouple, up to ~1300°C) for a small ceramics oven. Raspberry Pi Zero W, Python & Sanic Web server, VueJS. Control and clear definition of the firing program of the ceramics with a curve, from any device (smartphone, computer...).


Connected photo frame and dashboard (still ongoing). Raspberry Pi, touch screen, Python, Kivy UI framework. Remote sensors with ESP32 microcontroller (Pycom WiPy 3), MicroPython, Bluetooth LE (low energy).


Website for an agency specialized in engineering of buildings.
JS / HTML 5 / CSS / SVG (Front-End) & Python / Flask / Jinja2 / SQLAlchemy / SQLite (Back-End).

2016 - 2017

Creation of an interactive lamp, with brightness management depending on the position of the hand of the user. Arduino (Trinket), C/C++, infrared distance sensor, PIR motion sensor.

2016 - 2017

Creation of a wooden tactile lamp, with motion sensing. Arduino, C/C++, 3W LED and RVB LED, EEPROM.

2016 - 2022

Creation of a connected luminous alarm clock, controllable with a smartphone Android app and Bluetooth connection. Wooden casing, 3W LED, digital display, temperature and motion sensors, music player, light beats according to bass/medium/trebles (optimized calculation of FFT in C thanks to GPU_FTT), Bluetooth LE remote actions ...
Python / C / Cython / Android native application / Raspberry Pi
See details on wakepiup.colinguyon.com.


Website for an urbanism agency: habitatetsociete.fr. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python backend: Flask, SQLAlchemy, Jinja2.


My new photography website: photo.colinguyon.com. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX & JSON, PHP 5, SQL database.


Creation of a RGB lamp with dsPic microcontroller. Color change by inclination with 3-axis accelerometer, Bluetooth PC connection with a Java software: LED management depending on sound.


Website for an urbanism agency: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX.


My first photography website: colin.guyon.free.fr/photo. XHTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Engineering school projects

2009 - 2010

5th year project: integration and evolution of a services platform aimed at proposing to the ISEN students web services such as SVN server, wiki, blogs... Linux environment. Study and integration of software components, such as Zimbra.

2009 - 2010

Java projects, working in teams:

  • IRC chat client/server (level 3 CMMI project, team of 5 persons). Java + OpenGL (JOGL) UI. Communication protocol based on serialized objects.
  • Paint, web server ...

4th year technical project (5 persons team): realization of a Quadcopter, controlled by computer using Bluetooth. Creation of the 2D + 3D graphic interface of the control software using Java + OpenGL (JOGL). Live visualization of the orientation of the helicopter with a 3D model. Management of sent/received data.


Project for Junior-ISEN-Toulon: realization of the multilingual website of a winemaker, using PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX, with an administration interface: client management, image gallery...

2008 - 2009

Low-level graphical optimization project. Aim: create a graphical animation in C + OpenGL, then optimize it to increase the FPS as much as possible while keeping an identical rendering compared to the non-optimized version. Best project.

2008 - 2009

ISD at the students' union. Conception and realization of the association's website (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX).


Technical project in electronics (4 persons team): realization of a heart beat meter (the usage of a microcontroller being forbidden).


Technical project in informatics (4 persons team): realization in C of a fish simulation software with predators and baits. Realization of the UI using 2D + 3D OpenGL, and integration of the modules including the physic engine.

  • Python 2 / 3, Cython OOP, Embedded Linux, UI, Web backend and REST server (Flask - similar to Django, SQLAlchemy, Jinja, Bottle), Kivy, ctypes, PyJnius, pytest, mock, Jupyter Notebook, Web scrapping .... Profiling, optimization, memory leaks tracking, development of tools ...

  • C, C++ Embedded middleware, UI, microcontrolers. GDB, Valgrind ...

  • Linux At work (ideally) and personal environment

  • JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3 Embedded or desktop web apps and websites. ES6, Node.js, Express, Vue.js, React, Jest, Electron, Babel, Webpack, Stapes, Promise, lodash... and "vanilla" JavaScript

  • WebAssembly, allowing to bring C/C++ to the Web. Emscripten.

  • Java, especially Android applications

  • Graphic design and implementation of graphical user interfaces: 2D & 3D UI using Python, C, OpenGL, Web FrontEnd ...

  • SQL databases SQLite, MySQL, ... and NoSQL MongoDB, CouchDB

  • Git and Mercurial

  • Microcontrolers dsPic, Arduino and similar, ESP32 (WiPy), nRF52832 (BLE Nano v2), nRF52840... C, C++ or MicroPython.

  • Raspberry Pi (personal projects using Python / C / Cython).

  • I2C, SPI, UART, PWM, analog peripherals and sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, light, temperature, motion (PIR), distance (IR), rotary encoder, capacitive switch, LED driver, servo drive, 7 segments display, .... Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE (low energy).

  • PHP

  • Image editing / processing / creation. Good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

  • English frequently used at work. TOEIC (885 points) as well as FIRST Certificate of Cambridge (European level: B2) during my engineering curriculum.

  • Agile methodologies

Personal interests and leisure activities